Monday, January 7, 2013

A Moment of Frustration: Venting

Today I'm feeling a bit frustrated, and it comes with a mix of emotions. On the one hand, I feel really good for the first time in a long, long while. My body actually feels "light" most of the time. I have energy (before, I was taking naps during most afternoons of the week, and felt sluggish when I was awake). But I'm not gonna lie: I thought I would have lost a lot more weight by now. Truth be told, I'm only down 5-6 pounds, and it's taken me a month to get there. Yes, I know this is healthy, and I keep trying to tell myself that 1-2 pounds per week is the ideal weight loss. 20 pounds in two weeks is NOT healthy. Still, I think about the changes that I have made in my diet, and I wonder how I haven't dropped a ton of weight from saying "sayonara" to sugar alone! When I think about it, I've gone from eating a TON of starchy carbs all day every day (not to mention the disturbing amounts of refined sugar that I ate on a daily basis) to eating mostly fruits and vegetables. How in the world has my body not shed pounds like crazy? I have no idea.

The upside is this: I AM losing weight, and I do feel better. I really need to focus on that, and know that becoming healthy is not something that will happen overnight. I will need to work on it.

In addition to eating better, I'm adding in regular exercise. This is surprisingly difficult for a couch potato like me. So I've cut some corners, too. I watch a documentary or TV show while I'm on my stationary bike, and when I'm in front of the TV or eating dinner, I sit on my exercise ball. Some mornings I do yoga.

Yoga leads me to another vent: I love it, even though it is a lot more difficult than I thought it would be (my picture of yoga was sitting, stretching, and saying "Om" a lot). In fact, it could be my favorite type of exercise ever! So why the venting? Because when I do stupid freaking down dog poses, my stupid freaking head starts to hurt, and I end up with a migraine. How do I rectify this? How can I do a Salute to the Sun pose without regretting it later when I'm on the couch with an ice pack? Gah!

Even though this is a downer post, I just needed a minute to vent. I'm still feeling so much better, emotionally and psychologically speaking, than I have in...well...I don't even know how long. I find myself smiling for no apparent reason. I'm just...content. That's the best side effect of my dietary changes. I feel GOOD, even optimistic, which is very uncharacteristic of me. But you know what? I think it's something that I will adopt for good. Being down all the time does nothing for my self-esteem or my health.

These changes are good.

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