Sunday, January 6, 2013

What 400 Calories Looks Like

I love this graphic. This is one of the first images I saw after I made the decision (however subconscious) of going vegan.

And I've said it before, but I will say it again: I am so surprised that the amount of food I'm eating fills me up. I make a daily log of what I'm eating. This is what it looks like:

BREAKFAST: One glass of smoothie (a veggie-fruit concoction)
LUNCH: Second glass of smoothie
DINNER: Acorn squash + quinoa

That's it! Most days, I don't even snack. If I need to, I'll have a pear or a small handful of almonds, but other than that, I've only been eating what's listed above. Other things I will include are the following:

BREAKFAST: Carrot juice, cereal + coconut milk
LUNCH: Acorn squash
DINNER: Salmon and broccoli

Before I went vegan, I ate constantly throughout the day. My body was crying out for nourishment, and I finally feel like it is getting what it needs. I'll be glad when the headaches subside, but other than that, I feel better than I ever have before. I'm happier, I'm more energetic, and my body feels so good.

I'm loving being vegan!

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